Pre-Incubator Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center of the CTC Colonia Institute
Historical Overview
2005- CIDTI – Creation of the Foundation, Center for Research and Technological Development of the Interior
2007 – 10 DAPE – Academic Development of Business Projects. The Institute begins with the approach to the business sector through the call for academic extension projects and student practice called "DAPE".
2009-14 Work was done on various projects related to science and technology, from robotics, organization and technical coordination of meetings such as: "TECALE project", academic planning of the REALES project, among others.
2008- Free seminars and workshops related to the area of science, technology, video games, entrepreneurship.
2010- Generates the call for proposals for technological projects aimed at companies and students in the region.
2014- Presentation in competitions and winner of the ICT fund for the Interior of the Country from the FJR and the MIEM.
2014- Coordination of the Western Region in the Emprende Cultura Project.
2015 CIE Colonia is part of networks to support entrepreneurs and companies: Red Espacio al Emprendedor de Colonia
It is part of the RAFE National Network
Through its Foundation, CIDTI continues to support the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center of Colonia
2015 Real promotion of the labor market in (note La Colonia, June 2015)
2015. On November 12 and 13, Marcelo Bieito, Coordinator of the CIE (Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center) of Colonia participated in the event “Trama Incubators 2015”, the Regional Meeting for the Sustainability of Business Incubators, organized by ANII, IDB with the support of Sinergia and Fundación da Vinci. This type of activities are part of the actions that the CIE has been developing as a way of continuing to advance in the regional positioning on business incubation and entrepreneurship.
2015 - "Colonia Plataforma de Servicios" Project. The CIDTI Foundation begins to work on the development of a local proposal to develop and promote the technology and services industry. Through meetings with local and regional actors, activities are being developed to create a plan agenda that will allow the first actions of the project to be outlined in 2016, according to the draft presentation.
2016. Colonia Innovación y Servicios Project. The CIDTI Foundation and the CIE Colonia together with the company Advank are developing a project for the ANII call, which aims to select, establish and strengthen non-profit institutions that can achieve the necessary skills to play the role of "Intermediate Institutions". These will be institutions specialized in providing support services to companies, in order to strengthen their capacities for the management and development of innovation processes, especially for SMEs, that are required, designed and financed by ANII.
For information on the call and on our institution and the project, please visit:
The project's objectives will include training in methodologies to support business innovation management and institutional strengthening, requiring in this sense the support of institutions such as those you represent that make up a network of micro and small businesses or companies that can benefit from these capabilities
CIE Colonia Foundation Objectives (2011)
Pre-incubate a business idea, energize the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit in young people and companies in the region.
Its actions are aimed at promoting innovation, entrepreneurial attitude, promoting opportunities and strengthening the link between organizations, entrepreneurs and the academic and socio-productive sector.
Action Plan 2011/12
Workshop “Generation of Ideas” – November/December 2011 (CIE of ORT Uruguay)
Workshop “Innovate and Undertake” – April 2012 (JCI)
Workshop “Business Plan” – May 2012 (CIE CTC Colonia)
Presentation “Business Ideas” – July 2012 (technical advisory team)
Linkage with regional and national centers and programs (Emprende, INGENIO, others)
Launch and presentation of CIE Colonia.
On June 29, 2011, the launch of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (CIE) of the CTC Colonia Technological Institute took place in the Conference Room of the Casa de la Cultura in Colonia.
The event was attended by the Ambassador of Israel in Uruguay, H.E. Dori Goren, authorities and teachers from CTC Colonia, from Universidad ORT Uruguay, from YABT (Young Americas Business Trust), from the Center for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel (MASHAV), businessmen from various countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, authorities from the Municipality of Colonia and national representatives of the Department.
The event began with the words of the Director of the CTC Colonia Institute, Dr. Marcelo Bieito, who after thanking the authorities and guests present, reviewed the background of the educational project that CTC and Universidad ORT Uruguay have been developing in the Department since 1994, being the basis for the creation and launch of the CIE Colonia. He described the objectives of the project that seeks to generate a tool that will help to energize and generate innovative ventures for the Region.
He also highlighted the good positioning that the Department of Colonia has for the realization of new business ideas, the training of entrepreneurs and the possibility of generating projects that promote the creation of jobs, combining efforts between the Educational sector, companies and the Departmental Government.
The action plan proposed for the CIE for the rest of the year was disseminated, where the realization of various free Workshops that aim to promote innovation and the entrepreneurial attitude of young people is highlighted. The final result in quantitative terms will be the pre-incubation and presentation of business ideas to a consulting team of technicians – formed by outstanding businessmen and professionals of the region – who will recommend and link the contestants with other organizations and institutions for the final incubation and implementation of the business, product or service developed.
Finally, he invited companies, organizations and all those who want to develop business ideas to be part of this new venture, “if we work together the results will be more and better”, and more information and contact information about the CIE program can be found at the following address.
The Director of Culture of the Municipality of Colonia, Prof. Carlos Deganello, then referred to the commitment that the Municipality maintains with this type of ventures that bet on the development of the Department, ruling out the support that the Departmental Government will provide to it.
For his part, the Coordinator of the CIE of Universidad ORT Uruguay, Mag. Enrique Topolansky, highlighted the importance of this event to support and promote innovation and entrepreneurship in Colonia, focusing his presentation on the necessary integration that must exist between academia, companies and the state to unify efforts and commitments in pursuit of common objectives. Finally, he described several success stories that have been developed in the CIE of Universidad ORT Uruguay as an example of the path to follow.
Then, Mr. Eugenio Bidondo, National Coordinator of YABT Uruguay – OAS, spoke, highlighting the relevance of this type of undertaking for the country and for the Department in particular. The importance of generating a cultural change in young people to encourage them to have an entrepreneurial vision, and in businessmen to adopt that same culture by generating and supporting new business ideas.
Finally, the Ambassador of Israel in Uruguay, His Excellency Dori Goren, concluded the ceremony by thanking all those present, congratulating the institutions involved for the effort they make to implement this type of initiatives that result in the progress and development of the countries, highlighting the commitment of the State of Israel to collaborate with this type of undertaking.
At the end of the speech part framed in the Nex Links Forum 2011: Review of Results, Impacts and Plan